Pax Arctica amongst 5 organizations fighting for the Arctic Region
August 24, 2020 - By Gregg Parker
A warm thank you to EZVID WIKI : The World’s Video Wiki! The Pax Arctica initiative has been included in their recently published video "Organizations Fighting For The Arctic Region".
The Arctic region is composed of oceans and seas as well as parts of Alaska, Finland, Canada, Greenland, Iceland, Russia, Norway, and Sweden. A richly biodiverse part of the world, it is being threatened by climate change. Pax Arctica is one of the many organizations existing to protect this unique place.
Founded and led by Luc Hardy, Pax Arctica was created to promote awareness of the threats facing the Arctic, polar regions, and oceans. It aims to convey a global message of peace and support the introduction of new ecological regulations. The organization pursues its mission through several complementary activities, from eco-scientific explorations to the production of various books, films, and photographs.
Checking in with explorer and documentary film maker Luc Hardy in a pandemic
July 10, 2020 - By Anne W. Semmes
Luc Hardy was interviewed by the local magazine Greenwich Sentinel about his confinement during Covid19 pandemic.
For Luc Hardy, our resident scientific explorer and environmental advocate, being grounded with no travel, counting 100 days and more, is a new experience. “It’s the first time in my life I am in the same spot,” he says, and surprisingly, “It’s been mostly pleasant. Even though I was supposed to be in March in Panama, in Trinidad April/May, then along the coast of Venezuela and French Guiana for a couple of projects.”
April 23rd, 2020 - By Clément Thiery
Luc Hardy was interviewed by the online magazine France-Amérique about his confinement during Covid19 pandemic.
“Breton-born Luc Hardy is an entrepreneur, environmentalist, documentary filmmaker, and photographer. To date, he has walked nearly 125 miles to the North Pole, climbed the highest mountain in Antarctica, and used a bathyscaphe — a self-propelled submersible — to explore the seabed off the island of Klein Curaçao in the Caribbean. Confined at his home in Greenwich, Connecticut, he looks back on these extraordinary adventures.”
Luc Hardy a été interviewé par le magazine en ligne French Morning dans cette vidéo #SansFiltre.
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"C'est un génocide environnemental, le plus grand crime contre l'humanité de tous les temps." 🌍😥
Luc Hardy was interviewed by the online magazine Frenchly in this video #Filterless.
Now also with ENGLISH subtitles
Thanks to Frenchly and French Morning for the opportunity to communicate on THE issue of our time: Climate Emergency and Global Heating.
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"It's a disaster in slow motion, but it's accelerating."
Sagax Entertainement is proud to be a Supporting Sponsor of French Focus on Cinema since 2016.
The latest issue of the new GEO magazine "Geo Aventure", tells the story of the French freediver champion Aurore Asso, during our expedition to the Russian Arctic in 2017. The Pax Arctica New Siberian Islands was an eco-scientific expedition in the Russian Arctic, in the footsteps of George De Long, polar explorer of the late nineteenth century.
The film will be shown on ARTE this summer. Dates/times TBA.
En 1881, l’explorateur américain George W. De Long découvrit cinq îles en mer de Sibérie orientale, avant de mourir de froid. Un siècle et demi plus tard, une expédition est partie sur ses traces avec, à son bord, Aurore Asso, championne d’apnée.
Le 14 septembre 2017, l’équipe de Pax Arctica embarquait sur le Mikhail Somov, un brise-glace ravitaillant les stations météorologiques de l’Arctique russe. […]
Le Monde | October - November 2018
The French famous daily newspaper has published an article about the french version of “In The Kingdom of Ice” – by Hampton Sides. This French version published by Paulsen.
C’était une expedition Arctique comme la fin du XIXe siècle les affectionnait: à visée scientifique et patriotique, née de fantasmes géographique et du plus noble esprit d’aventure.
La Principauté | Octobre 2018
L’histoire paraît folle. Elle a pourtant bien eu lieu : un génial entrepreneur de presse, un explorateur qui n'a pas dit son dernier mot. Et l'Amérique tout entière, qui s'enflamme pour l'aventure. Il est vrai qu'il en va du sort de l'humanité : qu'y a-t-il au Pôle Nord ?
8 people coming from all over the world are joining together to explore the Curacao coral reef, to determine their current state and how we can protect them from doom.
Luc Hardy has been invited by David Kline (Scripps Institution of Oceanography) to sponsor this Coral Reef expedition in Curacao in August/September 2018.
Read More.
Column: Looking back at 2016 — looking forward at 2017
January 7, 2017 | Greenwich Sentinel
By Anne W. Semmes | Sentinel Columnist
If there is any portent that 2017 will be full of surprises it’s that on New Year’s Day I found myself in my birth town of Memphis, Tennessee sitting atop a 321-foot glass pyramid overlooking not the Nile but a foggy Mississippi River eating catfish while gazing at a giant catfish floating about in a tower of water, while celebrating the 90th birthday of a sister who’s broken the glass ceiling of a family of short lived people. [...] Read More
GHS students hear from local Antarctic explorer
November 30, 2016 | Greenwich time
By Emilie Munson
Documentary filmmaker Luc Hardy, a Cos Cob resident, speaks about his latest film "The Pursuit of Endurance" after a screening at Greenwich High School in Greenwich, Conn. Wednesday, Nov. 30, 2016. Hardy's film [...] Read More.
Greenwich Education Group holds screening of The Pursuit of Endurance
November 2, 2016 | Greenwich Post
Greenwich Education Group invites the public to a screening of The Pursuit of Endurance, a film that documents a new polar expedition that follows in the footsteps of the famous Antarctic explorer Ernest Shackleton. [...] Read More
On My Watch: To Drone or Not To Drone
July 25, 2016 | Greenwich Sentinel
By Anne W. Semmes | Sentinel Columnist
I remember the moment when I arrived at the Byram Park osprey nest as a Connecticut Audubon Society osprey steward and saw a sight that sent my adrenalin rushing: hovering over the osprey nest was what looked like a war machine from a distant planet. [...] Read More
Greenwich explorer Luc Hardy on air this a.m.
March 17, 2015 | Greenwich Real Time
GREENWICH - Cos Cob resident Luc Hardy, 52, and his daughter, Ainhoa, 14, could hardly believe what they were witnessing when they stumbled across a gaping, seawater-filled fissure in the snowy terrain of the Canadian Arctic last month. The two had spent the afternoon of July 22 on an educational group-hiking expedition across the "Ward Hunt" ice shelf in northern Canada when they saw a crack in the ice and a huge chunk drifting away from the main shelf.
Greenwich’s Luc Hardy expedition, “On the Shoulders of Shackleton” stays stalled.
October 29, 2014 | Greenwich Real Time
Bitter wind keeps Greenwich explorer Hardy’s team from final traverse.
October 28, 2014 | Greenwich Real Time
Mountain of evidence - Extreme weather during climb may suggest climate change in Iran.
June 10, 2014 | Greenwich Time
North Pole wrap-up: Last skiers via Barneo off the Arctic Ocean
April 26, 2011 | Explorersweb
By Correne Coetzer
Young Arctic Ambassadors meet Gorbachev to express concerns about Climate Change
November 21st, 2008 | Moscow
Moscow – On Friday 21st November, Green Cross International Founding President Mikhail Gorbachev did pay tribute to an international coalition of children, who have been particularly active in alerting the public about critical environmental issues endangering the Arctic. Aïnhoa Hardy, Flaam Hardy and Beth Idlout (who came all the way from Nunavut, Canada) presented the results of the expedition to President Gorbachev at the Gorbachev Foundation in Moscow. The young adventurers each received a “Young Ambassador” award from Mr. Gorbachev’s directly, recognizing their contribution to the fight against climate change. Not present at the ceremony but equally involved were other members of the Pax Arctica expedition 2008: Kuria Mwaura, Mark Tosi, Olympia Nagel-Caland, and the Zangrillo sisters, Amber, Ashley and Alexa.
Here is a photo and video summary of the event: © Sagax / Pax Arctica
NASA Earth Observatory - September 5th 2008.
In 1907, Arctic explorer Robert Peary traveled along the northern coast of Canada’s Ellesmere Island on a dog sled and described a “glacial fringe” along the island’s northern coast. Modern glaciologists have deduced that this ice fringe formed roughly 4,500 years ago and, in Peary’s time, was likely a continuous ice shelf covering some 8,900 square kilometers (almost 3,500 square miles).